
Our Team
The Free Store started with just with four women in the Iglesia Cristiana La Vid. It became clear during the first weeks that this work had to be managed by a community and not just one church. The New Neighbors Free Store has volunteers from all around the neighborhood, especially from the Refugee Community Connection Facebook group.

Volunteer Opportunities

Source Ventra Cards

Access to public transportation is extremely helpful to our new neighbors, since it allows them to access all sorts of resources. Unfortunately it is not free, and can be confusing at first.

Ventra card volunteers help source Ventra cards (Chicago Public Transportation cards) and help explain how the Ventra card and public transport system works.

Become a driver

Our new neighbors need a lot of transportation assistance. After the store, many people leave with big bags of clothes to take the bus and the metro.

Our drivers pick people up from home to bring them to stores, churches, doctors, shops, supermarkets, or parks.

We also need drivers for the cargo van to pick up furniture and deliver at the new arrivals.

Become a Madrina or Padrino

Madrinas and Padrinos are like the fairy godparents of Latino communities. They might not be able to make all your dreams come true, but they can give advice and companionship and step up during hard times. To have a good Madrina or Padrino is a coveted privilege.

Madrinas and Padrinos will:

-Visit a newly arrived family

-Eat together with them

-Help source housewares 

-Take them to the thrift store or market

-Show them places like the library, parks, etc.

Assist at the Free Store

Non-shopping days:

-Clean floors, tables, etc.

-Accept new donations, sort, fold and organize

-Review inventory 

Shopping days:

These shifts are busy because they involve helping shoppers and sorting donations. We use a number system to register shoppers and make sure their places are saved in line. Volunteers must coordinate to make sure this is done fairly and smoothly.

Registration volunteer: Register shoppers according to the number system and record their name from their ID. Accept donations, helping unload cars as needed. Direct donations to the appropriate location.

Store volunteer:

Help shoppers move around store in orderly fashion: hygiene products, underwear, pants, shirts, shoes, blankets, other items as available